Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Can you love a whisper?

Can you love a whisper?
An echo of your breath begins
with shadows creeping in.

The twilight sky keeps these secrets
my stolen glances
my timid words
my flickering flame that burns for you.

I wonder.
I felt you, that night.
I felt your breath across my neck
your hand upon my chest
as we drifted into sweet, soft sleep.

I really do wonder.
When skin meets skin
lips to lips, nose to throat
does my scent intoxicate you
as yours enraptures me?

Anticipation screams in me
as I wait with bated breath
my body tense
senses acute
for your beautiful words.

God, please..
Just speak to me.

Is it love?
Can you love a whisper?


  1. I LOVE this.

    A whisper...

    I take that to mean something so...intimate, or subtle.
